Coaching is about setting goals, personal discovery and making changes. We provide ongoing support, feedback, and accountability to help you achieve your goals. The coaching process helps clients define their vision and achieve goals faster than traditional counseling.
Coaching is based on the notion that we are whole: mind, body, and soul (Matthew 22:3). It does not treat “mental disorders” as defined in the DSM V (the Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Disorders). Additionally, coaching tends not to focus on the past extensively.
As life coaches we work with marriage/family, relationships, career, finance, and other life issues. Clients first discover what they want in all aspects of their lives and then devise practical strategies to help achieve their goals. The process fuels and motivates clients, allowing them to unlock their potential and skills, by overcoming obstacles, stress, and fears. The clients’ goals, and vision drive the course of action to be taken. Through life coaching, clients design their future rather than get over their past.
Coping with the myriad of life’s challenges can sometimes be misdiagnosed as disease, illness, or disorder. So often, responses to these life challenges do not reflect pathology (abnormal or psychological disorder). However, many such challenges in our lives can often be helped with practical tools and strategies. These include simply becoming aware of belief systems and negative thought patterns and learning/practicing new ways of seeing, interacting, and experiencing challenges.
Clients are coached in developing pragmatic and deliberate strategies towards executing and attaining their goals — step-by-step, addressing and eliminating obstacles. We are available for personal meetings, video calls, email, and phone sessions, if necessary, for ongoing consultation, feedback, and support throughout the coaching process:
- The focus is on the present and the future, not the past;
- The goal is not to “fix” a problem, but to CREATE a better situation/strategy;
- The relationship is collaborative and ongoing until goals have been met; and
- As coaches, we partner to support you and hold you accountable for your desired goals;
- We see clients as whole, resourceful, creative – not defined by psychological disorders.
Sometimes counseling is required in order to help address deeper issues. As a professionally trained and licensed counselor, Coulter helps individuals find hope and healing in their struggles with stress, anxiety, or depression -helping individuals find lasting solutions. He counsels with the entire individual in mind: physically, emotionally and spiritually. The purpose is to assist individuals in identifying, understanding, and resolving problems that have resulted in destructive feelings, thoughts and behaviors that interfere with a productive and satisfying life. The goal is to assist individuals to more effectively cope with problems, resolve issues, and heal emotional wounds, while strengthening their spiritual walk.
We offer faith-based guidance and proven therapeutic techniques for a wide variety of issues, including:
- Alcohol and drug problems
- Anger management
- Anxiety
- Child and adolescent issues
- Depression
- Divorce recovery
- Eating issues
- Grief
- Life transition and adjustment
- Marriage counseling for biological and blended families
- Marriage preparation
- Obsessive/compulsive issues
- Parenting challenges
- Pornography use
- Trauma
- Unhealthy sexual activity
Hybrid Counseling/Coaching helps us best serve the current needs of clients
We offer both in-person and remote appointments to new and existing clients. In addition to meeting in the office, clients are also able to receive services from the comfort and safety of their home.